Voucher Allocation Done

2 min readJan 1, 2021

As promised in last article, the airdrop allocation has been done. You may now connect your wallet and check via “My Voucher”

In addition, we put the full list of valid addresses on the site for you to have double check if necessary.

“Lucky Box Mania” is now under final developing and testing phase and would be officially launched in approx. 3 days. Function of voucher would be activated accordingly. Happy Drawing.

As a console and compliment, for anyone who have deposited LPs in PAC-ETH LP Pool would be granted 1 voucher, regardless of amount or length. And for those who have deposited LPs for more than 12 hours without claim would be granted vouchers according to duration. Hope this pleases you well.

One more thing to be emphasized: PacMan is a project with NO pre-sale, NO pre-mine, and NO team allocation, but with passion and dreams in gamification. So no more rumours please.

Lastly, Happy New Year to you all. Hope luck finds you in 2021.

