GameFi — Cocktail of the Crypto World

2 min readDec 22, 2020

we don't give definition, we make illustration

GameFi seems to become a buzzword since Andre Cronje tweeted in Sep. It’s nice to see people discussing around, yet the concept is still ambiguous. Thus we would like to share our view on it. To clarify in advance, we are not giving definition, but just making illustration.

For years, developers are striving to make decentralized games more interesting. However due to the low interaction efficiency, we could hardly had good game experience in crypto world. Despite the technical reason, lacking of stimulation is another crucial fact that prevent people from falling in love with decentralized games :-p

But things are always looking up. Current development of Layer 2 and the upcoming ETH 2.0 are shrinking the technical gap. As to fun and stimulation, adding financial oriented elements could to some extent solve this problem. FOMO3D was a good example to this part. But as we all understand, over-consuming means ephemeral. We need to find a balancing point to cover the risk. And then comes DeFi, good exploring in crypto finance, could act as a buffer-zone.

So here it comes, why couldn’t we add game elements into finance or add financial elements into games? To make the dull fun, to make the fun exciting. The whole procedure is just like making cocktails. That's GameFi. Juicy?

As to PAC, 3 games of different types have been planned and 2 under developing, all of which have been combined with DeFi concept to realize the motto “Gaming is Mining”. Would unveil details at an appropriate time. As for the GameFi Platform, besides crypto games, there would also be a dedicated zone especially for equipment exchanging. Equipment in popular crypto games could be exchanged here conveniently between users. PAC holders would have the chance to share the dividend of the whole platform.

More to be shared next time. Have a sip of cocktail for dinner.

Stay tuned.

